Monday, June 16, 2014

Wildtree--I'm A New Rep!

I've been looking for something for a very long time for a business that would fit into my idea of what a healthy lifestyle would be. We garden, can produce, hunt, and fish and have done so for a very long time. I always wanted to know where our kids' food came processed foods from the store. No excessive sugar or artificial products. I guess I was "green" a long time before it was popular. I grew up in a family who grew their own mom and both my grandmothers. My grandparents raised their own meat, made butter, and sold eggs to survive. I never knew they didn't have much....what they had was everything to me as a child, but I never truly appreciated it until I was grown up with children of my own.

I've fed my boys what we could grow in the backyard, and my husband supplied the meat (venison, catfish, chickens, and the occasional pig from the neighbors). We've eaten well without much means.

I've also worked from home for about 10 years now. I'm trained as a medical transcriptionist and have worked for a few clients across the country during this time. It's allowed me to be at home with the homeschool them when needed (high school mostly) be there for their school and sporting events. I've enjoyed the flexibility that working at home has brought to our lives.

As I move closer to being 50 years old, the old gal just can't do what she once could. Family medical conditions have caught up to me, and the physical demands of a transcriptionist are getting harder. If you've never worked at a desk for 8-12 hours at a stretch, this may not seem possible to you, but sitting in a chair for that long is tough work! I love what I do and have been happy to help the patients that I type for. Unfortunately, though, it takes a toll.

Big Smile:  I've found a company that fits what I've been looking for.....and I didn't even know it existed until just a few weeks ago! I've been transitioning the family to nonprocessed foods. I buy non-GMO, heirloom garden seeds and try to run our garden without any chemicals, using natural pest deterrents only. But I still needed to find a way to still work from home and make money to support my family. Wildtree is giving me that chance.

I stumbled across Wildtree one night as I was searching for companies who allowed you to work from home. I wanted it to be in the food industry, and it had to be a company focused on health. What I found was Leslie Montie's story about how Wildtree was founded:

Leslie Montie never dreamed she would become the founder of a company that helps families enjoy great tasting, nutritious meals in minutes.

When Leslie discovered that her two young children had medical conditions requiring special dietary restrictions, she began her search for healthy alternatives. "It was amazing how this impacted our entire family." recalls Leslie. "I needed to come up with meals that my children would not react to, yet still enjoy. And since I was a full-time working mom, they had to be easy to make."

Leslie sought the help of her mother and father, Frank and Judy. As concerned parents and grandparents, they immediately began experimenting with new ways to flavor and prepare foods. "It was really a hit and miss sort of process and we came up with some great ideas," said Leslie. "I remember thinking that others could benefit from what we discovered; how to make mealtime an enjoyable and effortless experience, dietary restrictions or not!"
Leslie's sincere desire to help others was the inspiration that led her to found Wildtree in 1996.

Leslie and Judy began by selling their specialty blends at local cooking fairs. They were overwhelmed by the reception and quickly gained a loyal following. When an enthusiastic customer asked Leslie if she had considered selling through home parties, she loved the idea. "I held my first party a few weeks later and knew it was the ideal way to bring our products directly to families."

The combination of Leslie's natural marketing ability, Judy's talent for product development and Frank's manufacturing expertise laid the foundation. Wildtree was officially launched in 1999 to local acclaim as a party plan company.

So...if you're looking for a way to earn some money from home and continue being organic, green, and help the ones in your family and around you, please consider Wildtree...either as a consumer or as a business opportunity. It just might be the answer you've been looking for.

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